Times Tables Training

Times Tables Training is a multi-mode training app for leanring your times tables. Allowing you to learn a selection of tables from 1 to 12, test yourself against the clock on your selection and finally allowing you to answer a set range of multiplication questions is an alotted amount of time in order to receive an achievement badge.

Learning mode allows an combination of tables from one to twelve to be selected for learning. The number of questions to be asked can also be chosen from the following list 10, 25, 50, 100 or all, where all asks you each available question based on the tables chosen. If you have selected more questions that your have selected tables then some duplication will occur. Once the learning has started each questions will be asked in turn and a correct answer will move you to the next question. A question can be incorrectly answered up to three times before the correct answer is given and the next question is asked.

Testing mode has the same tables and question count choices and leaning mode, but only one attempt at a given question is available and the correct answer is not provided. You will be advised of your overal score at the end of the test. The results from the test will be added to any previous test results and viewable from the performance menu option.

Certification mode is a table-badge awarding mode that sets a number of questions from a given number of multiplication tables in a set time. If you answer all of the questions correctly in the time you will be awarded the badge and the next badge will be unlocked. If you have pinned the app to your phones home page then the last star-badge to be awarded will be displayed there.

Take a look at the screen images below and then why not try it out for yourself. You can even try before you buy, with the free version allowing you to experiemtn with the lower number tables.

Feature List:

  • Select any combination of 1 to 12 times tables in learning and testing mode
  • Your selection is remembered so its easy to build on it over time
  • Learning mode allows you up to three incorrect attempts before supplying the correct answer
  • Testing mode resutls are recorded and performance is mapped against each multiplication table
  • The number of questions can be varied to extended the learning or testing from 10, 25, 50, 100 or all questions
  • Testing mode counts the time it took to complete the test
  • Star badges are awarded as goals are acheived. The help pages outline the achievement levels required
  • If the application is pinned to your phones home screen the current badge will be displayed as a live tile
  • Try version available that limits you the lower number multiplication tables

Splash Screen

splash screen

Home Page


Learning Mode

Creat New Measurement

Incorrect Answer

Creat New Measurement

Correct Answer

Creat New Measurement

Testing Mode




Star Badges




Tables Listing

Heart rate

Tables Badges - Live Tile



Live Tiles
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